LO&G follows an integrated approach. Based on the experience of its members and associates, LO&G is in the position to offer its clients comprehensive support in developing and carrying out a new ventures strategy

Different Types of Opportunities

Depending on the strategy of the client different project types with different level of complexity and cost structures can be followed

Identify opportunities

To develop an upstream portfolio many opportunities / project ideas have to be followed to secure a success

Identify value drivers

Due to the large number of project opportunities to be screened and analysed, it is essential to early identify key value drivers of the opportunity.

Ranking System

in order to quickly identify attractive projects and to save time for indepth evaluation of attractive projects it is essential to develop a comprehensive ranking system to rule out projects not fitting to strategy

In addition to screening according to attractiveness of projects, it is necessary to also take into account doability, i.e. financial and human resources of client.

Different approaches to gain projects

The appropriate approach depends on the existing position and the strategy of the client. We will in close cooperation with you, analyse your situation and propose you our view on the best approach for you.