The company was founded in the mid-nineteen nineties when investigations were initiated by a group of explorationists who had targeted particular exploration areas and plays of Northwestern Germany.
The explorationists’ investigations resulted in a proposal to the oil industry to revisit the Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe Counties for identified oil and gas opportunities. This, together with the fact that concomitant contractual work was related with a CBM project of the general area along the Lippe river north of the Ruhr Mining District, eventually gave birth to the company name.
In a further step, the group members had broadened targets and scopes of their activities. Their fields of experience prompted the group members to focus on the E&P of Western and Eastern Europe and on the Circum-Mediterranean region. Albania, at the cross-roads of both regions, became the first target in this respect.
At the turn of the century, the group expanded the spectrum of activities, coping with changed and increased industry demands. In terms of organization, the group also initiated changes, and since 2004 LO&G Consultants members act as a group of E&P experts under the umbrella of a GmbH, i.e. a limited liability company.
The services of the group hitherto address E&P, CBM and Shale Gas projects, gas storage and sequestration projects, and the LO&G offer comprises related studies, as required by the energy-oriented industry.
Time Line
Looking back on 15 years of permanent residence abroad, it was decided to financially support the internationally active charity organization Equal Rights Beyond Borders.
With M&A assessments ongoing, a critical approach with a fresh view on established prospective areas in Germany has been initiated to spur further interest in those.
Asset Valuations and related mandates emerged as the company’s key activities throughout the year. Honouring the projects’ complexity, companion experts have been asked for contributions to scrutinize vital issues in the evaluations.
From mid-year onwards, an enlarged team under the leadership of Heike Falk and Stefan Brecht evaluates, on behalf of a client, E&P assets, with the objective to contribute to potential acquisitions. That project is ongoing.
The LO&G activities are again largely focussed on projects prepared on behalf of long-term clients, complemented by supporting research and studies, correlated with those projects.
The 2015 focus is on working with long-term clients, and on broadening the data base relative to the commissioned projects.
Commemorating the company’s 20th anniversary, a donation has been made to support a local Essen charity organization taking care of refugees.
Reflecting past years‘ oil industry trends, LO&G is assessing risks and chances of exploiting non-conventional sources in Central Europe: UCG, CBM, geothermal activities, and shale fracking. All have in common that their operations face opposition of environmentalists and local activists, making exploration difficult, expensive, occasionally impossible.
With the 2014 fall in oil price, non-conventionals are losing their attraction and justification, for obvious reasons. LO&G returns to the evaluation of conventional, low-cost onshore projects.
Honouring the growing interest of niche players in German opportunities, the LO&G knowledge and data base is being updated, with focus on the south and south-western German basins. In parallel, the Early Palaeozoic of Northern Spain is being reviewed for gas shale opportunities.
After years of low hydrocarbon exploration activities in Greece, in 2012 the western areas were opened for bidding. This motivated LO&G to start preparations of respective assessments, upon employing its expertise gained through earlier projects covering the On- & Offshore of Albania and of Greece. To cope with new projects, a partnership with EXPLOIL Oil & Gas Consultancy of Patras, Western Greece, was decided being most beneficial for all concerned (inquiries via
Group members’ activities are focussed mainly on non-conventional exploration projects (gas/oil shales, CBM/UCG). With Europe being the key target area, preparations include non-technical aspects, in particular petroleum legislation and environment impact assessments.
In late 2010, a study of Early Palaeozoic gas/oil shale possibilities has been initiated, covering parts of the Baltic Basin which had become a prime target for gas shale exploration in Northern Poland already.
In early 2010, LO&G Consultants move their place of business from Berlin, the German capital, to Essen, which in the course of time changed from being the center of the German coal mining industry to the site of major energy und utility companies.
The project targeting North Africa’s Early Palaeozoic hydrocarbon plays has been initiated. It addresses, in Spain, the Mid Cambrian – Early Ordovician succession of the northwestern Gondwana margin aiming at identifying opportunities derived from sequence stratigraphic analyses. Interested parties are being encouraged to ask for details of the multiclient project via
From this year onwards, Dr. Wolfgang Monninger of Petrocomp, Germany, will give support to the group. W. Monninger is exploration geologist, specialized on petrophysics.
In August, Gold Point Energy Corp. (GPE) of Vancouver, Canada, informs through a press release, that GPE has engaged LO&G Consultants to perform a study of several Central European basins to identify potential for unconventional gas accumulations.
LO&G sponsors the printing of Volume 36 of the Series Terra Nova, published by the Geological Institute of the La Coruña University. The volume comprises the summaries of geological studies on the Iberian Peninsula which had been initiated by late professor Lotze, Münster University.
The group is being joined by a new member, Christian Josopait, who specialized on hydrogeology and data management. In LO&G, he will work on special projects mainly.
The group is being strengthend by the new member Dr. Gabi Mauthe. Before, she had worked mainly on German ventures and in LO&G will be in charge of Central European projects.
Following a respective publication and the poster presentation at a Geological Society of London conference, by year end pre-studies are being initiated which address the Early Palaeozoic section of the northwestern Gondwana margin, exposed in the Iberian Mountain Chain of Northeast Spain.
LO&G updates and enlarges its Central Europe E&P data base to cope with respective projects, with emphasis on the historic exploration and production areas in the Lower Saxony Basin and North German-Polish Basin.
LO&G Consultants set up a Permanent Establishment in Slovakia to cover their local activities, which are to render consultancy for Nafta Gbely a.s.
LO&G changes from a non-incorporated partnership to a limited liability company (GmbH) and moves its principal offices to Berlin.