LO&G non-exclusive products are essentially reports offered to the oil, gas or Geothermal industry. For Asset valuations a report listing all factors influencing the value of the asset as well as all technical, commercial and other risks are provided and the Net present Value of the Asset estimated per assumed oil price scenario.
In their studies, LO&G integrate local knowledge, upon cooperation with local experts, thus ensuring that up to date knowledge and data bases are being employed. Likewise, the LO&G cooperation with major contractors provides reliable data bases.
Depending on the scope of specific work the reports are customized to reflect main outcomes or features.
While most of our work is highly confidential and owned by the clients few reports are available to the Public:
Reports currently on sale are:
- Albania Onshore,
Hydrocarbon Potential of Second Round Blocks 2, 3, 4 & 5
Compilation Study from published and non-restricted sources - Latvia Offshore,
Hydrocarbon Potential of Blocks 1, 2 and 3 offered in Latvia’s 1st E&P Licensing
Round. Reiterated Opening April – October 2002
Non-exclusive Studies and Maps currently on Offer
Resulting from round evaluation studies and from their regional enlargement, exploration maps have been established to place the evaluated acreage into their regional context. They are for sale on request – please contact info@lo-g.de to see find out more.