Training/Profession: Professional Experience: Current Position: | Dipl.-Ingenieur (FH) Aachen 45 Years in Oil, Gas and Power Industry Consulting Engineer |
Professional Experience
Project & Engineering Manager, Process and Mechanical Engineering, Construction & Installation Supervision, Commissioning and Maintenance of Process Plant Equipment & Machinery.
HAZOP & HAZID Studies, Field Development Plan Reviews, Development Peer Reviews, Incident/Equipment Failure Investigation, Oil and Gas Installations Asset Integrity Reviews, Due Diligence Reviews
Project and Engineering Consultant (2009 till today)
- Over 45 years of experience in the Oil and Gas Industry.
- Freelance Engineering Consultant since 2009, conducted various jobs; e.g.:
- Assets Review, Evaluation and Assessment of Oil & Gas Companies Farm-In and Buyout Offers
- Due Diligence Reviews of Oil & Gas Production Facilities and Infrastructure
- Technical Review of LNG Storage, Re-Gasification and LNG Distribution System
- Conceptual Development Proposals for Oil & Gas Fields Developments
- Assets Integrity Reviews of Oil & Gas Production Facilities, Pipelines and Infrastructure
- Construction Management, OA/QC Implementation
Professional Career (1974 -2008)
- Early retirement in 2008, employed before by RWE Dea (Hamburg) Deminex (Essen), Linde TVT (Munich) and AEG-Kanis (Essen)
- Assignments to operating companies and joint development projects to Shell, BP, Monsanto, Amerada Hess and SUCO.
- Conceptual studies, field development plan preparation, HAZID & HAZOP studies.
- Field development plan executions, including all approval stages, e.g. shareholder, governmental authority, environmental impact assessment, risk assessments.
- Fabrication supervision and factory testing of oil & gas equipment and facilities.
- Commissioning of on/offshore oil & gas facilities.
- Operations engineering support, facilities systems and equipment failure analysis and accident investigations.
Major Projects include:
- Egypt, Gulf of Suez, Oil & Gas Production Facilities Asset Integrity Review and Assessments
- Zeit Bay Gaslift Optimisation, Offshore Oil & Gas Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
- North Idku, Offshore Gas Field, Nile Delta, Egypt
- Cavendish Field Development, Offshore Gas Field, Southern North Sea, UK
- Deir Ez Zor and Ash Sham Concession, Onshore Oil & Gas Fields and Pipeline Infrastructure, Syria
- Ivanhoe/Rob Roy Field Development, Floating Oil & Gas Production Installation, North Sea, UK,
- Ras Fanar, Zeit Bay and Ras Budran Field Developments, Egypt;
- Qatar NGL Rebuild Project Umm Said, Construction Supervision and Commissioning,
- Qatar Offshore, El Shargi & Maydan Mahzam /& Bul Hanine Platforms, Commissioning and Operation Support of Gas Turbine driven Turbo Compressor Units.